
快播影视 内地电影 2025-01-23 04:55 13

摘要:The lunar calendar, nong li, is the traditionalChinese calendar and is often used in agriculture.

The lunar calendar, nong li, is the traditionalChinese calendar and is often used in agriculture.

According to nong li, the crescent appears on the first day of each month and full moon comes out at the middle of the month. The cycle lasts for about 30 days. 24 days mark 24 divisions of the solar year in nong li, according to the different positions of the Sun.

1. lunar

- 释义:adj. 月亮的;月球的;阴历的

- 例句:The lunar landing was a great achievement in human history.(月球登陆是人类历史上的一项伟大成就。)

2. calendar

- 释义:n. 日历;历法;日程表

- 例句:He marked his birthday on the calendar.(他在日历上标记了自己的生日。)

3. traditional

- 释义:adj. 传统的;惯例的

- 例句:The Spring - Festival is a traditional Chinese festival.(春节是中国的传统节日。)

4. agriculture

- 释义:n. 农业;农学;农艺

- 例句:Modern technology has greatly improved agriculture.(现代技术极大地促进了农业发展。)

5. crescent

- 释义:n. 新月;月牙;adj. 新月形的

- 例句:The crescent moon hung in the sky.(一弯新月挂在天空。)

6. appears

- 释义:v. 出现;显得;似乎(appear的第三人称单数形式)

- 例句:A rainbow appears after the rain.(雨后出现了彩虹。)

7. cycle

- 释义:n. 循环;周期;v. 骑自行车;循环

- 例句:The seasons follow a cycle.(季节循环交替。)

8. mark

- 释义:v. 标志;做记号;n. 标志;分数;记号

- 例句:The discovery marked a new era in medical research.(这项发现标志着医学研究的一个新时代。)

9. divisions

- 释义:n. 划分;部门;除法;分歧(division的复数形式)

- 例句:The company has several divisions.(这家公司有几个部门。)

10. solar

- 释义:adj. 太阳的;日光的;太阳能的

- 例句:Solar energy is a clean energy source.(太阳能是一种清洁能源。)

11. positions

- 释义:n. 位置;职位;姿势(position的复数形式)

- 例句:The positions of the stars are used in navigation.(星星的位置被用于导航。 )

For example, the division 'Lichun' or 'the beginning of Spring', reminds people that Spring is coming. 'Jingzhe' or 'the walking of insects' means that the weather is getting warmer. 'Lixia' or 'the beginning of Summer' is the point that crops are blooming. 'Dahan' or 'the great cold' is the end of severe Winter.

All these create a circle. Year after year people experience the mysteries of nature with nong li.

1. division

- 释义:n. 划分;部分;(节气等的)区分;除法

- 例句:The division of the year into months and seasons is a long - standing practice.(将一年划分为月份和季节是由来已久的做法。)

2. insects

- 释义:n. 昆虫(insect 的复数形式)

- 例句:There are many colorful insects in the garden.(花园里有许多色彩斑斓的昆虫。)

3. weather

- 释义:n. 天气;气象

- 例句:The weather today is very sunny.(今天天气非常晴朗。)

4. point

- 释义:n. 要点;时刻;点;v. 指向;表明

- 例句:This is the critical point in the development of the project.(这是项目发展中的关键点。)

5. crops

- 释义:n. 农作物;庄稼(crop 的复数形式)

- 例句:Farmers are busy harvesting their crops in autumn.(秋天农民们忙着收割庄稼。)

6. blooming

- 释义:adj. 盛开的;兴旺的;v. 开花(bloom 的现在分词形式)

- 例句:The blooming flowers make the park very beautiful.(盛开的花朵使公园非常美丽。)

7. severe

- 释义:adj. 严峻的;严厉的;剧烈的;严重的

- 例句:The area is facing a severe water shortage.(这个地区正面临严重的水资源短缺问题。)

8. circle

- 释义:n. 循环;圆;圈子;v. 环绕;盘旋

- 例句:The seasons form a circle year after year.(季节年复一年地循环。)

9. experience

- 释义:v. 经历;体验;n. 经验;经历

- 例句:We experienced a lot of difficulties during the journey.(我们在旅途中经历了许多困难。)

10. mysteries

- 释义:n. 神秘的事物;奥秘(mystery 的复数形式)

- 例句:The mysteries of the universe attract many scientists.(宇宙的奥秘吸引了许多科学家。)

11. nature

- 释义:n. 自然;大自然;性质;天性

- 例句:We should protect nature and live in harmony with it.(我们应该保护自然并与之和谐共处。)

