Guangdong holds 2024 top box office in China

快播影视 内地电影 2025-01-01 21:56 13

摘要:As of 11:30 PM on December 31st, 2024, data from Maoyan Pro shows that Guangdong's annual box office reached 5.265 billion yuan. T

As of 11:30 PM on December 31st, 2024, data from Maoyan Pro shows that Guangdong's annual box office reached 5.265 billion yuan. Therefore, Guangdong is the region with the highest box office in China for the 23rd consecutive year. This achievement is attributed to the province's dedicated cultivation of the market through special funds, robust industry support, and regulations on cinema safety and regulatory compliance.

Guangdong's film industry has delivered remarkable results. "Boonie Bears: Time Twist" and "A Place Called Silence" achieved box office earnings of 2.006 billion yuan and 1.351 billion yuan, respectively, ranking fifth and sixth among domestic films in 2024. A total of six Guangdong-produced films grossed over 100 million yuan, accounting for 12.7% of similar films nationwide, with total production box office exceeding 5 billion yuan—a historical record. Additionally, "Kangxi and Louis XIV", "Into the Mortal World", and "Boonie Bears: Time Twist" earned nominations at the 37th Golden Rooster Awards. "Into the Mortal World" claimed the highest-rated animated film of the summer season, achieving both reputation and commercial success.

Guangdong films are also making significant strides globally. At the "Guangdong-Europe Promotion Conference on Animation Films" during the Annecy International Animation Film Festival in France, works like "Into the Mortal World" drew international attention. The documentary "Kangxi and Louis XIV" was showcased at the 10th France-China Film Festival and the 77th Festival de Cannes. Meanwhile, "Borrowed Time" gained acclaim at 18 international film festivals.

A thriving industry and supportive system continue to drive Guangdong's film development. Events including the China Film Fair (Guangzhou), Guangzhou Film Expo, and the Greater Bay Area Animation Film Week serve as platforms for communication and trade. The "Star Program" for young filmmaking talents has supported works such as "Borrowed Time". Four editions of the "Guangdong Excellent Film Script Competition" have supported numerous promising projects. The 2024 Greater Bay Area Campus Film Week and the 20th Guangzhou Student Film Festival screened over 50 outstanding films from Guangdong campuses and collected more than 1,000 entries from universities across China, fostering a vibrant film culture on campuses.

Source :Lingnan on the Cloud


截至 2024 年 12 月 31 日 23:30,猫眼专业版数据显示,广东全年电影票房达 52.65 亿元,连续 23 年领跑全国。这一成绩,得益于全省电影专项资金对市场的悉心培育、对产业的有力扶持,以及对影院安全生产与合规经营的高度重视。

广东电影创作佳绩频传。《熊出没·逆转时空》《默杀》分别以 20.06 亿元、13.51 亿元的票房,位列国产片年度票房榜第五、六位,票房过亿的粤产影片共 6 部,占全国同类影片的 12.7%,生产电影票房总量超 50 亿元,创历史最佳。不仅如此,《康熙与路易十四》《落凡尘》《熊出没·逆转时空》获第 37 届中国电影金鸡奖提名,《落凡尘》还拿下暑期档动画最高分,口碑、奖项双丰收。

广东电影还大步迈向世界。在法国昂西国际动画电影节举办的“广东—欧洲动画电影推介恳谈会”上,《落凡尘》等作品吸引国际目光;纪录电影《康熙与路易十四》先后亮相第十届法国中国电影节、第 77 届戛纳国际电影节;《人海同游》更是在 18 个国际电影节展上收获赞誉。

浓厚的产业氛围、良好的生态环境,为广东电影发展注入源源不断的动力。全国电影(广州)交易会、广州电影产业博览交易会、粤港澳大湾区动画电影周等搭建起交流交易的桥梁;广东青年电影人才培养“繁星计划”助力青年创作者,催生《人海同游》等佳作;四届“广东优秀电影剧本征集”通过扶持孵化出多部潜力作品;2024 粤港澳大湾区大学生电影周暨第 20 届广州大学生电影展,在广东高校展映 50 余部优秀影片,征集来自全国高校的千余部作品,让电影文化在校园蔚然成风。

文|记者 李丽




